Coudersport Elementary School
Welcome to Coudersport Elementary School! As part of the Coudersport Area School District in northern Pennsylvania, we are dedicated to providing a safe and supportive environment where your children can learn and grow to become caring, responsible members of society.
We take pride in the amazing staff and quality programming available at Coudersport, and we hope you take some time to get to know us better. We value your input and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions.
A Message from Our Principal
Welcome to a new school year!
It is so good to be back! We have missed everyone! I know you’re looking forward to making new friends and catching up with our old ones.
Each month we send home a menu/newsletter. I ask that you please make a commitment to read this. It contains a wealth of information as well as calendar updates. Additionally, please know that our district’s yearly calendar may be found here.
Please encourage your child to get to know any new students to our district that may be in their homeroom. Include our new friends in recess activities, games, teams, etc. Everyone wants to feel welcomed and included, so remind your child to demonstrate being kind.
Our Falcon 4 Positive Behavior program will remain active: Be Safe, Respectful, Responsible, and Kind! If your child still has his/her lanyard card from last year at home, please be sure he/she brings it into school! Cards will be updated when fall school pics come in.
Traci Budd
Email Traci Budd